Monday, October 17, 2005

who put engagement juice in the water???

Marc just got married. (already)
Jessie is getting married. (definitely)
Nicole is getting married. (probably)
And some anonymous individual is getting married. (most likely)

What happens when your two best childhood friends decide to try and tie the knot within six months of each other?

You can't help but wonder if you are born under an ill-fated planet. And you start to think a lot. But no one read into that vague statement, please. It really doesn't mean anything exciting. LOVE to my people. You know who you are. (If you don't, then it's if you know me and I love you already. If you aren't sure, count yourself in, because I'm all cool like that. )

[edit: yes, the un-named were Adam and Kami. No, I am not engaged. Not remotely. Talk to me when I get home and then we'll see...]

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