Friday, August 26, 2005

doo bee doo bee dooooo

So. The Question of the Day.

Where did it go? The answer? Irrelevant...

I'm learning to play the piano and I'm kind of good at it. Despite never touching an instrument except the piano to the point that I could play anything resembling a song (and the piano experience comes from when I was six and Daddy taught me Do, a Deer from the Sound of Music with one finger) I actually have something of an ear for it. I guess.

Everyone always comments on the oddity of a father who is a brilliantly talented musician with five children, none of whom play anything but computer games. There must be a reason for this...I suppose it's that we never had lessons. Why not? Because Dad could teach us. But he never did. Brilliant people have trouble explaining their brilliance you see. This is why we have jargon in the world.

Jargon is so that the brilliant people who are insecure in their brilliance because they cannot explain it can feel like they are brilliant despite their lack of interpersonal skills.
Not that my Dad has poor interpersonal skills--far from it. It's just hard to listen to a child thunk piano keys really slowly. But brilliance and jargon and my Daddy are not why I'm writing. They are the unedited flow of my mind...which seems to flow and is enabled in a rather unhealthy way by the ellipses... ... ... those lovely friendly looking triple dots.

I'm writing to say that I'm learning to play the piano. And I like it. So now I like writing and drawing and dancing and playing music. Jill of all hobbies and master of none.

Friday, August 05, 2005


Today I took five children and Luke from the water park to a concert with Ben.

In Bangkok.

I still know where all the children are, amazingly. And Luke will show up eventually, I'm sure...I left my house at six am, came back to get the children very quickly, then did water park, concert, bar, concert, english...and got everyone safely home by 10:30 pm. I'm DEAD.

g'night...whoever reads this...