Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Hope vs. Detroit

1 Peter 3:15
"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."

I have a hope the darkness cannot cover, cannot linger, cannot overcome.

I have a hope that the sun will rise, that rain will fall, that children will smile, and that my God will forever be good.

I have a hope in light. A promise, clung to even in the depths; that there is something more, something better

I will stretch out my hands in darkness, straining in the hope that my fingertips will reach something bigger than myself.

I hope. I believe. My God will not fail me.

Oh, yeah...
In the kitchen as I do dishes:
Luke (enters room while speaking, gazing at the ceiling): What do you think the penalty would be for setting off an atomic bomb?

Me: (I don't even turn from the sink. No hot water in THA, but a lot of suds) Death. Lots of death.

Luke: (he's really considering this) I mean, would it be treason, or just defacing property?

Me: Felony. Definitely a felony.

Luke: What if I did it somewhere that no one hung out at? Like Detroit?

And that, ladies and gents, is that.

Be warned, he actually does want to take over the world, aided by his trusty sidekick, Bob, who is invisible, lives in a trash can, and still (two years after Luke introduced him) thinks that Nichole is cute. And that's the truth.

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