Setting: Friday afternoon, living room. Anonymous Father is on computer, reading news and lamenting over the political situation in the U.S. Anonymous Middle Sister doing homework at a table across the room.
Anonyomous Father: laments loudly over the state of the political situation in the U.S. and then wonders if Kerry would have done a better job.
Anonymous Middle Sister: (drily) I don't think so. Kerry was born on a little planet not called earth, dad.
Friday, October 28, 2005
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Minute Maid Field????
The Sox won. I can't decide if this a good thing or not. My Chicago pride says, YEAH! But my undying love for the Cubbies is still undying. I don't want to be one of those people that just likes whatever team is doing better. I always was a northside girl...
Well, I'm happy. Comment and tell me what you think. But don't be mean. If you do I might delete your comment. That is not fun or happy, and in Anna's Happy Cyberspace Land, everything must be Fun or Happy when Anna deems Funness and Happiness are in order. When a Chicago team is in the World Series and WINNING, Funness and Happiness are most definitely in order.
Besides. Minute Maid Field? What's up with that jazz?
Well, I'm happy. Comment and tell me what you think. But don't be mean. If you do I might delete your comment. That is not fun or happy, and in Anna's Happy Cyberspace Land, everything must be Fun or Happy when Anna deems Funness and Happiness are in order. When a Chicago team is in the World Series and WINNING, Funness and Happiness are most definitely in order.
Besides. Minute Maid Field? What's up with that jazz?
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Interview with a Princess
She came to my free english class last week. I taught her the colors of the rainbow. Her favorite color is red. She's wearing a red shirt. She is in her late twenties. Her smile is shy and tentative, but infectious once it blooms. This is some of what I remember from my conversation with her:
Do you like working in a bar?
No. I do not like.
How long have you worked at [bar]?
Twenty days.
Did you come to Bangkok twenty days ago?
Yes, I came Bangkok same time.
Do you have any children?
Yes I have. One boy.
How old is he?
Five years. His name "ball." His daddy likes football.
Did he come to Bangkok with you?
No, he stay in village.
With your mother?
Yes, my mother and my father.
Do you miss him?
Do you like Bangkok?
No. Bangkok is not fun.
Work is not fun?
No. I do not like.
Why do you work in the bar if you do not like it?
For money for son and parents to watch him.
Could you get a different job?
No. Other jobs don't give enough money. Reception, office not enough.
So you must work in the bar?
I think yes.
And you do not like working at the bar?
No. I do not like.
Do you like working in a bar?
No. I do not like.
How long have you worked at [bar]?
Twenty days.
Did you come to Bangkok twenty days ago?
Yes, I came Bangkok same time.
Do you have any children?
Yes I have. One boy.
How old is he?
Five years. His name "ball." His daddy likes football.
Did he come to Bangkok with you?
No, he stay in village.
With your mother?
Yes, my mother and my father.
Do you miss him?
Do you like Bangkok?
No. Bangkok is not fun.
Work is not fun?
No. I do not like.
Why do you work in the bar if you do not like it?
For money for son and parents to watch him.
Could you get a different job?
No. Other jobs don't give enough money. Reception, office not enough.
So you must work in the bar?
I think yes.
And you do not like working at the bar?
No. I do not like.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Today was pretty uneventful. Mondays usually are; it's the first day of the week and it seems like the most difficult task I have is getting Jaimie and Sam to refocus their brains on being educated. It's amazing what two days off will do to the brain of a little muffin. We went down to the health club today and excercised and that was nice too. In a city with almost no public space, a membership to a health club is almost a necessity if you want your muscles to survive potential atrophy. The kids swam, and if you are in the Jaimie and Sam fan club, you will be delighted to know that they are both becoming excellent swimmers. Jaimie can now do two lengths of the olympic sized pool before she gets bored. Her older sister can do twice that...then she gets really bored too. That's why there is a kid pool, right?
Today though, because of my ear infection, I let Dad swim and I read in the Reading Room, which is like a library. I miss libraries. I miss the quiet collective conciousness of concentration and the rustling of pages. I used to haunt libraries; then there was no time--and now there are none to haunt. But I read American magazines and caught up on what's going on politically in Germany right now. Have you looked lately? It's rather interesting. If you like weird stuff like that, check it out.
I forced myself to have a cheerful heart today, and it mostly worked. Sometimes life is hard, and the only thing you can do is "keep a stiff upper lip." Thank you, by the way.
"Life's not a level or a smooth road; but it's a blessing to scale the hills and trudge over the stones with a good heart, and I think one sometimes does one's best work on the uphill bits, though one may not know it." --Amy Carmichael
I hope so. I know I'm blessing my mom right now, and I know she needs it. Sometimes it's hard to see exactly how big the work we're doing is helping someone else, especially when it's just tucking in a child or doing the supper dishes. But guess what? My mom can read Thai now.
Today was pretty uneventful. Mondays usually are; it's the first day of the week and it seems like the most difficult task I have is getting Jaimie and Sam to refocus their brains on being educated. It's amazing what two days off will do to the brain of a little muffin. We went down to the health club today and excercised and that was nice too. In a city with almost no public space, a membership to a health club is almost a necessity if you want your muscles to survive potential atrophy. The kids swam, and if you are in the Jaimie and Sam fan club, you will be delighted to know that they are both becoming excellent swimmers. Jaimie can now do two lengths of the olympic sized pool before she gets bored. Her older sister can do twice that...then she gets really bored too. That's why there is a kid pool, right?
Today though, because of my ear infection, I let Dad swim and I read in the Reading Room, which is like a library. I miss libraries. I miss the quiet collective conciousness of concentration and the rustling of pages. I used to haunt libraries; then there was no time--and now there are none to haunt. But I read American magazines and caught up on what's going on politically in Germany right now. Have you looked lately? It's rather interesting. If you like weird stuff like that, check it out.
I forced myself to have a cheerful heart today, and it mostly worked. Sometimes life is hard, and the only thing you can do is "keep a stiff upper lip." Thank you, by the way.
"Life's not a level or a smooth road; but it's a blessing to scale the hills and trudge over the stones with a good heart, and I think one sometimes does one's best work on the uphill bits, though one may not know it." --Amy Carmichael
I hope so. I know I'm blessing my mom right now, and I know she needs it. Sometimes it's hard to see exactly how big the work we're doing is helping someone else, especially when it's just tucking in a child or doing the supper dishes. But guess what? My mom can read Thai now.
who put engagement juice in the water???
Marc just got married. (already)
Jessie is getting married. (definitely)
Nicole is getting married. (probably)
And some anonymous individual is getting married. (most likely)
What happens when your two best childhood friends decide to try and tie the knot within six months of each other?
You can't help but wonder if you are born under an ill-fated planet. And you start to think a lot. But no one read into that vague statement, please. It really doesn't mean anything exciting. LOVE to my people. You know who you are. (If you don't, then it's if you know me and I love you already. If you aren't sure, count yourself in, because I'm all cool like that. )
[edit: yes, the un-named were Adam and Kami. No, I am not engaged. Not remotely. Talk to me when I get home and then we'll see...]
Jessie is getting married. (definitely)
Nicole is getting married. (probably)
And some anonymous individual is getting married. (most likely)
What happens when your two best childhood friends decide to try and tie the knot within six months of each other?
You can't help but wonder if you are born under an ill-fated planet. And you start to think a lot. But no one read into that vague statement, please. It really doesn't mean anything exciting. LOVE to my people. You know who you are. (If you don't, then it's if you know me and I love you already. If you aren't sure, count yourself in, because I'm all cool like that. )
[edit: yes, the un-named were Adam and Kami. No, I am not engaged. Not remotely. Talk to me when I get home and then we'll see...]
Sunday, October 16, 2005
The Saga Continues...
So I get better at e-mailing people nice, long e-mails and forget about my blog.
Then the internet dies, and the only computer still in this century is the main one...and Dad's main task right now is programming the girl33 website to sell Christmas cards. When you are programming the internet, you need a computer that will go onto the internet. And when you are my Dad, you work on it whenever until the network is better, I'm going to be a little out of touch. Which, I'm terribly sorry to say, means less e-mail, and more blog. But I'll keep you posted.
The Christmas cards are FANTASTIC, by the way. I don't know if the site is up as I write this, but it probably will be soon. Check it out.
The past month, October, has been very difficult. There have been some very happy moments--there are two or three new women in the Well's program, and at a girl's camp we held this week for young teens, all six or seven became Christians. Several were from Uthaithani, which you will remember if you are a faithful blog reader--or if you were in Uthai yourself. Miss you guys!
I've been very, very sick for most of this month, and that has been really hard. Serving anyone is difficult when you feel horrible inside. I've also been feeling very discouraged, though not about anything in particular. Feeling lousy and feeling down do not make for the happiest Anna in Thailand, and I really need prayer in this area. I've felt okay for the past three days, but I'm still not healthy or whole. I've also been dealing with a lot of worries about how things will look when I come back. I'll need a car, and school, and most likely will be quite broke by then. I'm still trying to raise support for my time here, since my earlier fundraising brought in very little--not near enough to even cover my plane ticket. If you feel led to give in any way, please comment and I will get an e-mail to you.
Jaimie and Sam are doing really well with school. We are learning about mammals, fractions, and Bzyantines. They're definitely great kids, and I love being able to hang with them after being gone for a year. I'm going to be sad to come home, which I suppose means come back to Aurora. Home is such a strange idea right now. Here or there...or everywhere?
Well, that's a short little piece of my heart right now. It's not very well-written or well-edited because it's late, but I wanted everyone (all 4 people who read this!) to know what was up. I miss you all.
Please keep praying. I need it more than you know. And please write or comment. I need to know you are backing me up. It encourages me. Thanks.
Then the internet dies, and the only computer still in this century is the main one...and Dad's main task right now is programming the girl33 website to sell Christmas cards. When you are programming the internet, you need a computer that will go onto the internet. And when you are my Dad, you work on it whenever until the network is better, I'm going to be a little out of touch. Which, I'm terribly sorry to say, means less e-mail, and more blog. But I'll keep you posted.
The Christmas cards are FANTASTIC, by the way. I don't know if the site is up as I write this, but it probably will be soon. Check it out.
The past month, October, has been very difficult. There have been some very happy moments--there are two or three new women in the Well's program, and at a girl's camp we held this week for young teens, all six or seven became Christians. Several were from Uthaithani, which you will remember if you are a faithful blog reader--or if you were in Uthai yourself. Miss you guys!
I've been very, very sick for most of this month, and that has been really hard. Serving anyone is difficult when you feel horrible inside. I've also been feeling very discouraged, though not about anything in particular. Feeling lousy and feeling down do not make for the happiest Anna in Thailand, and I really need prayer in this area. I've felt okay for the past three days, but I'm still not healthy or whole. I've also been dealing with a lot of worries about how things will look when I come back. I'll need a car, and school, and most likely will be quite broke by then. I'm still trying to raise support for my time here, since my earlier fundraising brought in very little--not near enough to even cover my plane ticket. If you feel led to give in any way, please comment and I will get an e-mail to you.
Jaimie and Sam are doing really well with school. We are learning about mammals, fractions, and Bzyantines. They're definitely great kids, and I love being able to hang with them after being gone for a year. I'm going to be sad to come home, which I suppose means come back to Aurora. Home is such a strange idea right now. Here or there...or everywhere?
Well, that's a short little piece of my heart right now. It's not very well-written or well-edited because it's late, but I wanted everyone (all 4 people who read this!) to know what was up. I miss you all.
Please keep praying. I need it more than you know. And please write or comment. I need to know you are backing me up. It encourages me. Thanks.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
random blatherings
ugh. Too may headaches!
Still feeling unda' de wedda'...and really, really dizzy. I'm not sure why, but I think maybe I'm allergic to the pollution and it is causing me to be congested somewhere in my head that causes me to be dizzy. Whatever the reason, it is NO fun to be walking around Bangkok in all the swirling confusion and have the world wobble in your eyes. Pray for me if you have a moment... other news...I walked two miles yesterday to escape traffic. Yep. My cab didn't move for thirty minutes so I got out and walked. Yep. It was raining. Yep. I was dizzy back then too. But I made it. Yepyep. I had fun too. I went to see Ben at BSC, the school he's teaching at, and hung out with some students. It was worth it. It wasn't raining that hard. Yepyepyep.
In still other news...Marquita had a tooth pulled and two fillings done today. Jaimie and I are making a fairy house. Jaimie told me she loved me six times today. Marquita asked me to get her tylenol. I love those two kids. (Oh, yeah, it sounds like Marquita just uses me--that's not true. She just didn't exactly have a cheerful day. I don't blame her! She told me she loved me this morning and gave me a hug too.)
In still more other news...Ben visits me on Saturdays. Happy Anna.
Still feeling unda' de wedda'...and really, really dizzy. I'm not sure why, but I think maybe I'm allergic to the pollution and it is causing me to be congested somewhere in my head that causes me to be dizzy. Whatever the reason, it is NO fun to be walking around Bangkok in all the swirling confusion and have the world wobble in your eyes. Pray for me if you have a moment... other news...I walked two miles yesterday to escape traffic. Yep. My cab didn't move for thirty minutes so I got out and walked. Yep. It was raining. Yep. I was dizzy back then too. But I made it. Yepyep. I had fun too. I went to see Ben at BSC, the school he's teaching at, and hung out with some students. It was worth it. It wasn't raining that hard. Yepyepyep.
In still other news...Marquita had a tooth pulled and two fillings done today. Jaimie and I are making a fairy house. Jaimie told me she loved me six times today. Marquita asked me to get her tylenol. I love those two kids. (Oh, yeah, it sounds like Marquita just uses me--that's not true. She just didn't exactly have a cheerful day. I don't blame her! She told me she loved me this morning and gave me a hug too.)
In still more other news...Ben visits me on Saturdays. Happy Anna.
Hope vs. Detroit
1 Peter 3:15
"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."
I have a hope the darkness cannot cover, cannot linger, cannot overcome.
I have a hope that the sun will rise, that rain will fall, that children will smile, and that my God will forever be good.
I have a hope in light. A promise, clung to even in the depths; that there is something more, something better
I will stretch out my hands in darkness, straining in the hope that my fingertips will reach something bigger than myself.
I hope. I believe. My God will not fail me.
Oh, yeah...
In the kitchen as I do dishes:
Luke (enters room while speaking, gazing at the ceiling): What do you think the penalty would be for setting off an atomic bomb?
Me: (I don't even turn from the sink. No hot water in THA, but a lot of suds) Death. Lots of death.
Luke: (he's really considering this) I mean, would it be treason, or just defacing property?
Me: Felony. Definitely a felony.
Luke: What if I did it somewhere that no one hung out at? Like Detroit?
And that, ladies and gents, is that.
Be warned, he actually does want to take over the world, aided by his trusty sidekick, Bob, who is invisible, lives in a trash can, and still (two years after Luke introduced him) thinks that Nichole is cute. And that's the truth.
"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."
I have a hope the darkness cannot cover, cannot linger, cannot overcome.
I have a hope that the sun will rise, that rain will fall, that children will smile, and that my God will forever be good.
I have a hope in light. A promise, clung to even in the depths; that there is something more, something better
I will stretch out my hands in darkness, straining in the hope that my fingertips will reach something bigger than myself.
I hope. I believe. My God will not fail me.
Oh, yeah...
In the kitchen as I do dishes:
Luke (enters room while speaking, gazing at the ceiling): What do you think the penalty would be for setting off an atomic bomb?
Me: (I don't even turn from the sink. No hot water in THA, but a lot of suds) Death. Lots of death.
Luke: (he's really considering this) I mean, would it be treason, or just defacing property?
Me: Felony. Definitely a felony.
Luke: What if I did it somewhere that no one hung out at? Like Detroit?
And that, ladies and gents, is that.
Be warned, he actually does want to take over the world, aided by his trusty sidekick, Bob, who is invisible, lives in a trash can, and still (two years after Luke introduced him) thinks that Nichole is cute. And that's the truth.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
my heart is on the ground.
I quit doing heart updates awhile ago. I guess it was the same a lot, and got boring! Oh well.
Things are really rough right now. On a lot of levels. The three people that read this already know most of I'm not going into details. I guess it's stuff I've done (or not done)...stuff others have done (or not done) to me, and stuff others have done (or not done) to others that ends up affecting me. I've been crying a lot. I mean a lot.
No, it's not depression. I'm used to dealing with that, and I know how to get out of it. It's more like discouragement. The world has so many people doing stuff (or not doing stuff) and everyone hurts everyone and everyone hurts themselves. I don't know why I'd be exempt from all that...I'm not.
It just doesn't seem much like the fairy tale I wanted. Where is my castle? I am wandering. Where is my dragon? Oh...far too easily found. Where is my prince? Fighting many, many, many battles. Yes, he fights for me. But his heart is so heavy... Where is my King? He is here. But I still cry...I still feel alone.
Things are really rough right now. On a lot of levels. The three people that read this already know most of I'm not going into details. I guess it's stuff I've done (or not done)...stuff others have done (or not done) to me, and stuff others have done (or not done) to others that ends up affecting me. I've been crying a lot. I mean a lot.
No, it's not depression. I'm used to dealing with that, and I know how to get out of it. It's more like discouragement. The world has so many people doing stuff (or not doing stuff) and everyone hurts everyone and everyone hurts themselves. I don't know why I'd be exempt from all that...I'm not.
It just doesn't seem much like the fairy tale I wanted. Where is my castle? I am wandering. Where is my dragon? Oh...far too easily found. Where is my prince? Fighting many, many, many battles. Yes, he fights for me. But his heart is so heavy... Where is my King? He is here. But I still cry...I still feel alone.
Monday, October 03, 2005
how do you fight like a girl?

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about fighting. Not the irksome quarreling that goes on in daily life, but the bigger, meaner battle that goes on just outside of the everyday we see.
Father Christmas told Susan and Lucy to only use their weapons only "in great need." For, he says, "battles are ugly when women fight."
Certainly that is true in this physical world. There is something very horrible about a woman dying in battle. It is as though war is an arena of strength and yes, brutality, neither of which conjur up many feminine images. There are strong women, both evil and good, and yes, there are brutal women. But I know that I am neither one of these. I am only strong when I am supported, and brutality of any type is unthinkable to me.
And yet..."our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Ephesians 6:12 NIV)
I am certainly able to fight these battles. I am most definitely able to advance the kingdom of God. I am well equipped.
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. (2 Corinthians 10:4)
I know this. I know that I have the weapons and the armor to fight, and that I have the ability to succeed. But how do I, as a girl, go about that? You see, I don't want to fight. I like shining lights in dark places...but destroying strongholds? Good night. I have some tea to make. I need five or six nice strong boys to...nope. As tempting as I find that (run away and someone will protect me while I drink a good hot cup of earl grey) I know that that is not the answer.
But what is the answer? Lucy healed with her potion and Susan sounded the alarm. Peter killed the Chief Wolf and Edmund snapped the wand of the witch. So what do I do when I am faced with White Witches and Chief Wolves? Blow a horn? Yes...and no.
I am protected by many wonderful men who love God and serve him, fighting for him daily. God has given them the strength to do so. And when I need it, they fight for me. But I want to fight too. I want to kick some evil butt. But I don't like it. I'm squeamish, I'm prissy, I hate being bloody.
I suppose I have a question and no answer yet. Sigh. I'll keep going.
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