Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I get eight hours of sleep almost every night.

That's good.

No, that's bad because I'm still tired every morning.

That's bed.

No, that's good because I get ready in the morning faster when I'm tired.

That's good.

No, that's bad because I get stressed out when I move faster.

That's bad.

No, that's good because the stress helps me wake up so I can do the stuff I would have done if I had gone to bed later.

That's good.

No, that's bad because when the stress runs out, I'm really tired. I'm so tired that I talk to myself and try and reason whether or not I have a reasonable schedule or whether or not my life is good or bad.

1 comment:

Amy_Kathleen said...

awwww...you really should get that looked at. Not the whole stress thing, the talking to yourself thing, it's starting to worry me.

No, it's not, you're a liar.

what? You can't disagree! you are me!

yes, I can.

No, you can't.

okay...so two appointments to the nuthouse coming riiiight up.