Sunday, September 03, 2006

The September Resolutions

As a teacher in the making, the New Year begins not in January, but in September. Therefore, this is the time of the resolution, and I have decided to make a few. And so, without furthur ado, the September Resolutions:

1) Inasmuch (a wonderful word, no?) that it depends on me, I shall blog regularly. Discipline is necessary to one living a scheduled life, and writing is good for my mind and occasionally, my heart. Journalling really isn't an option for me, as I have no penchant for writer's cramp. My mom blames this on the fact that I cannot hold my pencil correctly; I blame it on the fact that I have a low pain tolerance in my hands. You should see me when I have a hangnail.

2) Procrastination is not an option. All reading and assignments will be done at least two days before they are due. That is, as soon as all my books arrive from the mysterious world of cyberspace. Of course, there are a few quid pro quos pertaining to trivial distractions like death and disease, but I'll spare you the details.

3) I will only worry about one thing every day. Once I have worried about it sufficiently, I will stop worrying and not worry again until the next day. I considered vowing not to worry at all, but imediately began to fret over whether or not such a thing would be possible, and realized that by making such a promise, I should break it every day by simply worrying that I would break it, and the point of resolutions is not torture. Well, usually.

4) I will read books that aren't related to school. I think the lack of well-written fiction in my life has been the primary factor in the decline of my writing, both in skill and volume. When I do not read, I am less curious, less motivated to think, and less happy. In truth, reading prevents me from being a rather dull, spiritless individual.

5) I will take everything in moderation. Including moderation.

There you have it. The five resolutions of an elementary teacher in training. And there was much rejoicing. Woot.

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