Friday, November 11, 2005

Genesis 1:3-5

...and God said,
"Let there be light,"
and there was light.

God saw that
the light was
and he separated the light from the darkness.
God called the light
"day" and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning
the first day

He's pretty cool like that, isn't He?


Anonymous said...

The merriam webster dictionary says that light is just some electromagnetic radiation visible to the human eye.
This is absolutely true. All light sources we know today are just electromagnetic radiation.

The Orthodox Church says the light the book of Genesis referes to wasn't created by God in the first day, but comes directly from God himself. According to St. Gregory Palamas, this primordial light is the same as the one that shined upon the three Apostles on Mt. Tabor, at the Transfiguration. Any man can evetualy see this light, through prayer and meditation...

I have always wondered why, from the day we are born, we are attracted to the light. Why do we love the light, but run away from darkness? I've found an answer that suits me. Mankind, being God's creation, has always sought to get closer and closer to him.
In the first epistle of Paul the Apostle to Timothy, chapter 6, verse 16 it says: "Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto..."
The closest thing to God that we can see is light!

Sorry for such a long reply :)

Anonymous said...

oh, and sorry for my somewhat poor english...

Julian said...

Thanks for everything! Advice and stuff... You post on so many blogs... I can't keep up. :( And many times I can't figure out what your post is about... I should read many previous posts and sadly, don't have the time. So I stick to sparkle dust and tiny specks of light...
Hopw we'll kee in touch.
Bye :)