Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Pie, Potter, People...

Ahhh. I hate pie crusts. I am the Queen of Piecrusts, you see. I can roll and shape a perfect crust every time. It is where the oven comes in that I get angry. Stupid oven. I put it in all pretty and when it comes out...it looks sloppy. Still a pie crust, still tasty, and not even bad-looking. But it is no longer perfect. Thus, I loathe the oven. It destroys my perfect pie crusts. Die.

I saw Harry today and I liked it. Then I came home and we've rented Herbie. For some reason I thought that was funny.

In other news, Ben might have to miss Thanksgiving because there are no substitutes that night to teach his english class, and Thai people don't celebrate that holiday. Apparently the pilgrims never landed in Asia. Weird, huh? (yeah, sorry...that was a little sarcasm...I'm on the crabby side today. I have a toothache.)

Hmm...there is a lot of american food in the house...um...I think that's it for now. Yuppers.

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