Tuesday, April 17, 2007

how can we keep ignoring?

On Sunday I went up to help out at a showing of 'girl.' It's a multimedia show that centers around the beautiful photography of Jimi Allen, who took a trip to Thailand with my Dad in February of 2004 and documented the stories of a few women who work in the bars and my parents' call to help them. It's amazing, thought-provoking, and a little disturbing.

On Sunday the show was presented at a large church in Rockford, IL. After the service people began meandering down the hall, and a few trickled in to the show. Many stopped and looked at the sign on the door, and I started asking, "Would you like to view the show?" Many said no, but I think it was because they were harried by lunch-grumpy little children. One older couple walked by quickly, but I saw the man tug on his wife's elbow and heard him say,

"Wait. I want to see the pictures."

They turned and walked to the doorway, where I greeted them with my best greeter smile. The man peeked into the room and asked what the show was about. Was it part of the Master's Commission at the church? No, I explained, this was a multimedia gallery that told the stories of women who work in Bangkok's red light districts and of the missionaries who work to remind them what real love looks like. I saw a wave of interest flash across the woman's eyes, but the man looked a little shocked, then turned gruffly and said,

"We really need to go."

He used the same elbow-tug technique and, within seconds, they were gone.

I was stunned, and a little angry. But my anger gave way to a deep sadness, one that went beyond me.

I understand the need to protect our hearts and minds from the evil parts of the world. Paul reminds us to think about things that are admirable and excellent, and prostitution is neither. But when our refusal to see evil things invades us to a place where our hearts no longer ache with the desire to see the evil ended, we allow it to triumph. By insulating ourselves in a happy Christian world, we leave the world Jesus made and loves to rot from the inside out.

Another elderly, hesitant couple decided to come in, and the wife later came up to me with tears in her eyes, nearly unable to speak. I asked if she would like to leave a comment, and she nodded. As we were packing up, I flipped through the book and found her words. Blinking to hold back my tears, I read,

"How can we keep ignoring?"


Amy_Kathleen said...

It's a lie that we have bought into...that there are somethings in the world that are God's and the other is the property of the devil. Dualism. It is weaved so tightly into the way our churches run.

We create bunkers...err...mega church complexes. They are meant for community, they are meant as an alternative. BIG difference.

Unknown said...

Aw...that makes me sniffle so!

Anonymous said...

The devil surely is busy in our World. Revelation 12 says ,'woe to you o earth, for the devil has come down to you.' We must stand firm, Repent daily for our complacency, and trust Jesus Christ to make changes in and through our lives. Thanks for your work on behalf of the Well. may God's grace abound to all those people associated with the Well.

Anonymous said...

Anna, your words are beautiful and poignant... effecting the very "ache" you speak about to see the evil ended, to be one of those missionaries who desire to love in a way that reminds people of what real love is like. Thanks,