Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Post, Most, Ghost, Host...

We're studying poetry right now. Thought I'd give you a sample of Youngest Child's latest creation. Note: Youngest Child is usually very poetic and writes the most amazing haiku of any 8 year old I know. However, his couplets are a little wacko.

Shakespeare is unclear
because he drank root beer.

I saw a buccaneer,
But he was killed by a cavalier.
But he was killed by a musketeer!
Ahhh! No! He cried.
But he was killed by a mouseketeer,
and he died.

I wrote that one when I was trying to explain ending syllable rhyming. So maybe the wacko poetry is not without cause...


Anonymous said...

Anna, when are you coming home? I want my Romeo + Juliet dvd and I never see Mike cause our schedules conflict constantly... oh, and I miss you... and Ben... oh and you need to email me your Bankok address so Sheena and I can send your family a cool holiday greeting card. :) Anyway, I'll be waiting to hear from you. Bye.

Amy_Kathleen said...

I like Anna
She's not a banana
I love Nanu
okie pokie wanu wanu!