Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Wow, it's been a while. Nearly a month. I hope all two of my faithful readers have not lost hope.

IT'S MAY! My favorite non-person person is finally here.

The candle trees amd the lilacs bloomed. My heart finds a lot of solace in the yumminess of lilacs and the friendly glory of the candle trees.

It thunderstormed all last night and kept me awake. The sky was eerie and green and made me very creepy-feeling inside. I love thunderstorms in the day...there is something comforting in the majestic power of my God...but at night I feel like a child. I'm not scared of the lightning, nor the thunder, nor tornadoes or high winds, but I still feel small and unhappy.

But no more. The sky is still gloom-ridden, and the front was a cold one so the wind is chilly and I had to wear my denim jacket but that's okay, because I look rather adorable in it...

And I finished school. 42 credit hours later and I still have a 4.0. And no all-nighters this semester! Good for me! Wheeeeeee! Flying on freedom!

Okay, all you guys, eventually I'm moving to Thailand for six months and I'm doing a specifically for thailand blog and you can see it if you click here.


heart is...above those blasted clouds.

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